[Secondary prevention after urological tumor diseases. Focusing on the kidneys, testes, and bladder]

  • M J Mathers
  • D A Lazica
  • T Klotz
  • Frank Sommer
  • S Roth

Beteiligte Einrichtungen


It is generally agreed upon that patients require a caring as well as careful medical follow-up after cancer treatment. The goal of secondary prevention is to recognize a recurrence at an early stage and to use the curative chance while the tumor mass is still small. There is evidence of a medically effective and successful follow-up for tumors of the testicle and the bladder. For quality reasons, these follow-up regimes should be adhered to for quality reasons. In other diseases, e.g., renal cell carcinoma, prospective randomized studies are missing which demonstrate the effectiveness of follow-ups. In these cases asymptomatic patients should be stratified to individualized follow-up care.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 2007
pubmed 17487469