Real-world-Datenquellen für die Versorgungsforschung zum Hautkrebs


Health services research in dermatology with the objective to improve prevention, efficient diagnostics and treatment of skin cancer requires real world data from all sectors. This article provides an overview of currently available relevant real world data sources and the utilization potential. It lists exemplary results of existing studies: secondary data analyses based on billing data from statutory health insurance funds were used among other things to estimate the participation rate in the statutory skin cancer screening. This was approximately 31% in the 2‑year period and was higher in the western German federal states than in the eastern ones. Furthermore, participation was higher for women than for men. Regional data in combination with sociostructural and sociodemographic indicators are available for planning of dermatological care and the analysis points to an association with the prevalence of skin cancer. Primary data are available and necessary for recording patient reported endpoints and evaluating the treatment of skin cancer patients by dermatologists. Extensive histopathological databases record not only clinical markers of skin cancer but also sociodemographic characteristics of the patients and indicate a correlation between the time of diagnosis or therapy and the insurance status and place of residence. In addition to the utilization potential, specific limitations of the data sources are listed.

Bibliografische Daten

Titel in ÜbersetzungReal world data sources for health services research on skin cancer
StatusVeröffentlicht - 01.2019
PubMed 30242554