Locking plate fixation of humeral head fractures with a telescoping screw. A comparative biomechanical study versus a standard plate.

  • Gertraud Gradl
  • Hans-Werner Stedtfeld
  • Michael Morlock
  • Kay Sellenschloh
  • Klaus Püschel
  • Thomas Mittlmeier
  • Georg Gradl

Beteiligte Einrichtungen


Locking plate fixation of humeral head fractures bares the risk of glenohumeral screw penetration. In order to circumvent this problem it is recommended to insert shorter locking screws having at least a 6mm distance to the humeral head cortex. This in turn may reduce fixation stability and may lead to early varus displacement. One second frequent failure mechanism is cranial displacement of the greater tubercle. The study evaluates the biomechanical properties of a locking plate employing an additional telescoping screw that may enhance resistance to varus displacement. Screw in screw fixation of the greater tubercle may reduce the rate of cranial displacement.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 2012
pubmed 21944432