Leptin: a modulator of alcohol craving?

  • F Kiefer
  • Holger Jahn
  • M Jaschinski
  • R Holzbach
  • K Wolf
  • Dieter Naber
  • Klaus Wiedemann


BACKGROUND: Leptin has been shown to regulate food intake and energy expenditure. Because leptin acts via regulation of appetite, we studied the hypothesis that suggests leptin modulates craving for alcohol as well. METHODS: We studied leptin plasma concentrations (RIA) both in alcoholic subjects during inpatient detoxification (day 1: n = 78, day 14: n = 60) and in healthy control subjects (n = 30). To rule out interference with the activation of the HPA axis during alcohol withdrawal, we also evaluated cortisol plasma levels (RIA). RESULTS: We found plasma leptin and cortisol elevated at onset of withdrawal, decreasing significantly up to day 14. Leptin (and the body-mass corrected ratio leptin/BMI) was highly correlated with self-rated craving. No correlations of craving with cortisol and BMI were observed. CONCLUSIONS: We suggest that leptin may modulate withdrawal-induced craving in alcoholic subjects.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 2001
pubmed 11331086