Kariesprävention im Säuglings- und frühen Kindesalter

  • Bettina Berg
  • Monika Cremer
  • Maria Flothkötter
  • Berthold Koletzko
  • Norbert Krämer
  • Michael Krawinkel
  • Burkhard Lawrenz
  • Hildegard Przyrembel
  • Ulrich Schiffner
  • Christian Splieth
  • Klaus Vetter
  • Anke Weißenborn


Background: In the past different recommendations for caries prevention through fluoride application in infancy and early childhood (0–6 years old) existed in Germany; however, if different recommendations coexist it leads to confusion among health professionals and parents/caregivers, to a lower acceptance of the recommendations and, consequently, to insufficient implementation. Methods: Joint recommendations were formulated in a multistage process, coordinated by the Healthy Start—Young Family Network (Netzwerk Gesund ins Leben). Representatives of the relevant German medical and scientific societies, professional associations and specialized institutions participated in the process and reviewed the scientific evidence. Feasibility and accessibility were considered, also with respect to families with an increased risk of caries. Recommendations: From birth to tooth eruption infants should receive a supplement with 400–500 IU vitamin D and 0.25 mg fluoride. After tooth eruption, the child should gently and gradually be introduced to tooth brushing. A choice should be made between continuing systemic fluoride application (400–500 IU vitamin D and 0.25 mg fluoride) or using a toothpaste with 1000 ppm fluoride (up to 2 times 0.125 g/day, the size of a grain of rice); vitamin D supplementation is continued until the second summer in the child’s life. During the first 12 months, infants fed exclusively or predominantly on formula food are given a vitamin D supplement without fluoride if the fluoride content of the water used to prepare the formula contains ≥ 0.3 mg fluoride/l. In this case the daily amount of fluoride toothpaste should also be reduced. From 12 months on tooth brushing twice a day with a toothpaste containing fluoride (1000 ppm fluoride) is recommended, first with a small amount of toothpaste (each time up to 0.125 g, the size of a grain of rice) and then with a larger amount of toothpaste from 24 months (each time up to 0.25 g, pea-sized). To avoid excessive fluoride intake, the correct amount of toothpaste is essential. Education and advice on caries prevention and on how to put the recommendations into practice should be provided during pediatric and dental examinations as well as within the National Dental Group Prevention Program.

Bibliografische Daten

Titel in ÜbersetzungCaries prevention in infancy and early childhood: Recommendations for action by the nationwide Healthy Start—Young Family Network
StatusVeröffentlicht - 06.2021

Anmerkungen des Dekanats

Funding Information:
Das Netzwerk Gesund ins Leben, die Autorinnen und Autoren danken Klaus Abraham (Bundesinstitut f?r Risikobewertung), Thomas Altgeld (Landesvereinigung f?r Gesundheit und Akademie f?r Sozialmedizin Niedersachsen e.?V.), Ingrid Bernard?? (Bundesministerium f?r Ern?hrung und Landwirtschaft), Sandra Deissmann (Fr?he Hilfen in Hessen), Axel Flinker (agonda Agentur f?r Dialog und Zukunftsprozesse), Raimund Geene (Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin), Claudia Hellmers (Hochschule Osnabr?ck), Sepp Holtz (Z?rich), Bettina Huhse (Bundesinstitut f?r Risikobewertung), Christina Jasmund (Hochschule Niederrhein), Ahmet Kimil (Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum e.?V.), Detlef Kolbow (Berlin), Almut Makuch (Leipzig), Mechthild Paul (Nationales Zentrum Fr?he Hilfen in der BZgA), Reinhard Schilke (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover), Christine Schmidt (Gesundheitsamt, Zahn?rztlicher Dienst Rhein-Kreis Neuss), Claudia Sch?tz (Gesundheitsamt, Zahn?rztlicher Dienst Rhein-Kreis Neuss), Frauke Schwier (Deutsche Gesellschaft f?r den Kinderschutz in der Medizin), Erika Sievers (Akademie f?r ?ffentliches Gesundheitswesen), Yvonne Wagner (Universit?tsklinikum Jena) und Michael Walter (Universit?tsklinikum Dresden) f?r die fachliche Unterst?tzung und wertvolle Hinweise.

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© BLE 2021 / www.gesund-ins-leben.de.