Hemispheric asymmetry for affective stimulus processing in healthy subjects--a fMRI study.

  • Esther Beraha
  • Jonathan Eggers
  • Catherine Hindi Attar
  • Stefan Gutwinski
  • Florian Schlagenhauf
  • Meline Stoy
  • Philipp Sterzer
  • Thorsten Kienast
  • Andreas Heinz
  • Felix Bermpohl


While hemispheric specialization of language processing is well established, lateralization of emotion processing is still under debate. Several conflicting hypotheses have been proposed, including right hemisphere hypothesis, valence asymmetry hypothesis and region-specific lateralization hypothesis. However, experimental evidence for these hypotheses remains inconclusive, partly because direct comparisons between hemispheres are scarce.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 2012
pubmed 23056533