Haemorrhages into the back and auxiliary breathing muscles after death by hanging.

  • Friedrich Schulz
  • Claas Buschmann
  • Christian Braun
  • Klaus Püschel
  • Bernd Brinkmann
  • Michael Tsokos

Beteiligte Einrichtungen


We describe and discuss haemorrhages discovered in the back and auxiliary breathing muscles of a population of cases of suicidal death by hanging. Intramuscular haemorrhages were present in approximately 30% of the cases. Pre-existing illnesses with an increased tendency to bleed or an anticoagulant medication did not exist; corresponding skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue structures were intact in each case. In cases of death by hanging, the occurrence of muscle haemorrhages of this type may be explained pathophysiologically by the occurrence of increased respiratory exertions and/or seizures during the hanging process. Although the results of our study do not indicate an obligatory autopsy finding, evidence of internal haemorrhaging into the back and auxiliary breathing muscles may be called upon following consideration of differential diagnostic aspects as a further diagnostic indication of vital hanging.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 2011
pubmed 21935676