[H1N1 pandemic. Measures and experiences on the state level].

  • A Marcic
  • J Dreesman
  • B Liebl
  • Clara Schlaich
  • M Suckau
  • W Sydow
  • A Wirtz


In order to establish a joint pandemic strategy, the German states ("Länder") together with the German federal government ("Bund") agreed on joint preparations for pandemic scenarios. This included the description of procedures, such as infection control measures, stockpiling of antiviral drugs, and contracts with vaccine manufacturers to ensure supply of vaccines in the event of a pandemic. The situation during the influenza H1N1 pandemic differed from that planned so that many short-term adjustments were required. It highlighted the need to make pandemic planning more flexible. In spite of several obstacles which had to be overcome during the situation, the states managed to achieve a relatively coordinated procedure and provided the availability of vaccines. In the course of the pandemic, gaps and shortcoming in existing surveillance systems were identified, which should lead to further improvements. A key point for future pandemic events is successful communication between all interested parties, especially with the medical profession, to increase the acceptance of public policies.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 2010
pubmed 21161476