Genetic evidence implicates the immune system and cholesterol metabolism in the aetiology of Alzheimer's disease.

  • Lesley Jones
  • Peter A Holmans
  • Marian L Hamshere
  • Denise Harold
  • Valentina Moskvina
  • Dobril Ivanov
  • Andrew Pocklington
  • Richard Abraham
  • Paul Hollingworth
  • Rebecca Sims
  • Amy Gerrish
  • Jaspreet Singh Pahwa
  • Nicola Jones
  • Alexandra Stretton
  • Angharad R Morgan
  • Simon Lovestone
  • John Powell
  • Petroula Proitsi
  • Michelle K Lupton
  • Carol Brayne
  • David C Rubinsztein
  • Michael Gill
  • Brian Lawlor
  • Aoibhinn Lynch
  • Kevin Morgan
  • Kristelle S Brown
  • Peter A Passmore
  • David Craig
  • Bernadette McGuinness
  • Stephen Todd
  • Clive Holmes
  • David Mann
  • A David Smith
  • Seth Love
  • Patrick G Kehoe
  • Simon Mead
  • Nick Fox
  • Martin Rossor
  • John Collinge
  • Wolfgang Maier
  • Frank Jessen
  • Britta Schürmann
  • Hendrik Bussche van den
  • Isabella Heuser
  • Oliver Peters
  • Johannes Kornhuber
  • Jens Wiltfang
  • Martin Dichgans
  • Lutz Frölich
  • Harald Hampel
  • Michael Hüll
  • Dan Rujescu
  • Alison M Goate
  • John S K Kauwe
  • Carlos Cruchaga
  • Petra Nowotny
  • John C Morris
  • Kevin Mayo
  • Gill Livingston
  • Nicholas J Bass
  • Hugh Gurling
  • Andrew McQuillin
  • Rhian Gwilliam
  • Panos Deloukas
  • Ammar Al-Chalabi
  • Christopher E Shaw
  • Andrew B Singleton
  • Rita Guerreiro
  • Thomas W Mühleisen
  • Markus M Nöthen
  • Susanne Moebus
  • Karl-Heinz Jöckel
  • Norman Klopp
  • H-Erich Wichmann
  • Eckhard Rüther
  • Minerva M Carrasquillo
  • V Shane Pankratz
  • Steven G Younkin
  • John Hardy
  • C O'Donovan Michael
  • Michael J Owen
  • Julie Williams


Late Onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD) is the leading cause of dementia. Recent large genome-wide association studies (GWAS) identified the first strongly supported LOAD susceptibility genes since the discovery of the involvement of APOE in the early 1990s. We have now exploited these GWAS datasets to uncover key LOAD pathophysiological processes.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 2010
pubmed 21085570