Frontal midline theta in the pre-shot phase of rifle shooting: differences between experts and novices.

  • M Doppelmayr
  • T Finkenzeller
  • Paul Sauseng

Beteiligte Einrichtungen


In the present study the time course of frontal midline theta (Fmtheta) during the aiming period in rifle shooting was investigated. Experts (n=8) and novices (n=10) had to shoot repeatedly while EEG was recorded, and the time course of Fmtheta during the aiming period was significantly different between the two groups, showing a steady increase of power for the last 3s before the shot only for experts, but not for novices. Source analysis (LORETA) indicated a significantly stronger theta activity for experts strictly located at the anterior cingulate area and medial frontal cortex, locations well known for focused attention. The results suggest that experts and novices use different strategies during the aiming period. While novices keep a relatively constant amount of attention to the target, experts are able to increase attention exactly to the time point of the trigger pull.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 2008
pubmed 18280523