Fetal gender specific expression of tandem-repeat galectins in placental tissue from normally progressed human pregnancies and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)

  • Stefan Hutter
  • Julia Knabl
  • Ulrich Andergassen
  • Doris Mayr
  • Simone Hofmann
  • Christina Kuhn
  • Sven Mahner
  • Petra Arck
  • Udo Jeschke


INTRODUCTION: The tandem-repeat type galectins, which comprise of gal-4, -6, -8, -9, and -12, form a sub-family of galectins. Gal-6 is expressed only in rodents, whereas the other four galectins, tandem-repeat galectins, are also detectable in human tissue. The placental expression of individual members of the tandem-repeat gal family is increasingly known, however, systematic, comparative analysis especially in the human placenta from normal or pathological pregnancies is still lacking.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Within this study, third trimester placentas obtained at delivery (n = 14 IUGR, n = 15 controls, equally divided in placentas from male and female fetuses) were analyzed for the expression of gal-4, -8, -9 and -12 by immunohistology and immunofluorescence, data were obtained by using a semiquantitative scoring system. Double immune-fluorescence with trophoblast specific markers was used to identify co-expression in the decidua.

RESULTS: We identified dysregulation of tandem repeat galectins in IUGR placentas with a strong connection to the fetal gender. We identified a significantly lower expression of gal-4 and gal-9 in villous trophoblast tissue of IUGR placentas with male fetuses and a downregulation of gal-4 and gal-8 in extravillous trophoblast (EVT) from IUGR and male fetuses. Conversely, expression of gal-9 and gal-12 was higher in EVT of IUGR cases in placentas with female fetuses. Double immunofluorescence using cytokeratin-7 confirmed the expression of tandem-repeat galectins in EVT.

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The human placenta expresses tandem-repeat type galectins in villous trophoblasts, EVT, endothelial cells and decidual stromal cells. Summarizing all effects, there is significant down-regulation of gal-4, -8 and gal-9 in the IUGR trophoblast of male fetuses. In contrast, in IUGR pregnancies with female fetus gal-9 and gal-12 are upregulated in the EVT and in endothelial cells in the cases of gal-12. Therefore we propose a fetal-gender specific action of tandem repeat galectins in IUGR placentas.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 12.2015
PubMed 26462906