Ein interdisziplinäres Modul zur onkologischen Dokumentation in einem Klinikinformationssystem

  • U Kunze
  • T Ganslandt
  • P Preusser
  • T Bürkle
  • H U Prokosch
  • N Senninger
  • J Haier


The follow-up documentation of oncological patients in Germany is inadequate in many cases: it is usually limited to a minimal dataset mandated by the epidemiological tumor registers; it is carried out in a paper-based fashion and rarely in a multi-disciplinary context. Parallel documentation efforts can result in redundant or erroneous data and excess work. The introduction of hospital information systems (HIS) allows the implementation of digital oncological documentation systems integrated in surrounding clinical workflows that can provide access to existing data sources as well as data entry and presentation across departmental boundaries. This concept enables the integration of tumor documentation, quality assurance and process optimization within HIS. Feasibility requirements include a high flexibility and adaptability of the underlying HIS to reach a seamless integration of oncological documentation forms within routine clinical workflows. This paper presents the conceptual design and implementation of a modular oncological documentation system at the Muenster University Hospital that is capable of integrating the documentation requirements of multiple departments within the hospital.

Bibliografische Daten

Titel in ÜbersetzungA multidisciplinary mModule for oncological documentation within a hospital information system
StatusVeröffentlicht - 01.2004
Extern publiziertJa
PubMed 15011105