Effects of acute hydrocortisone administration on declarative memory in patients with major depressive disorder: a placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover study.

  • Kirsten Terfehr
  • Oliver Tobias Wolf
  • Nicole Schlosser
  • Silvia Carvalho Fernando
  • Christian Otte
  • Christoph Muhtz
  • Thomas Beblo
  • Martin Driessen
  • Carsten Spitzer
  • Bernd Löwe
  • Katja Wingenfeld


Major depressive disorder (MDD) has been associated with hypercortisolism, reduced glucocorticoid feedback sensitivity, and impaired memory function. In healthy subjects, administration of hydrocortisone impairs declarative memory. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of acute hydrocortisone administration on memory retrieval in MDD patients and healthy controls. We further tested whether the enhancing or impairing effects of hydrocortisone would prevail when it was given after encoding and when delayed retrieval was tested at a time point when glucocorticoid levels were still elevated.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 2011
pubmed 21535999