Does the COVID-19 personal protective equipment impair the surgeon’s performance?


Introduction  Despite increasing vaccination rates, new viral variants of SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2) are advancing the COVID 19 (coronavirus disease 2019) pandemic and continue to challenge the entire world. Surgical care of SARS-CoV-2 positive patients requires special protective measures. We hypothesized that "COVID19" personal protective equipment (PPE) during surgery of SARS-CoV-2 positive or potentially positive patients would negatively affect the surgeon and thus the surgical outcome. Materials and methods  Ten experienced trauma surgeons participated in the study. Each surgeon performed two simulated surgeries of a distal tibial fracture on a Sawbone® under standardized conditions either wearing regular PPE or special COVID-19 PPE. Baseline values at rest were acquired for heart rate, blood pressure, saturation of peripheral oxygen ­(SpO2), respiratory rate and capillary blood gas (CBG) analysis including capillary partial pressure of oxygen (­pO2) and carbon dioxide ­(pCO2), followed by four different standardized tests of attentional performance (TAP). Subsequently, the surgeon performed the first surgery according to a randomly determined order, with regular or COVID-19 PPE conditions in an operation theatre. After each surgery vital signs were acquired and CBG and TAP were performed again. Results  In our simulated surgical procedure heart rate, respiratory rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure did not show relevant differences. Percutaneously measured ­SpO2 decreased with additional layers of PPE, while CBG parameters were not affected. TAP tests showed a significant impairment of attention if PPEs were compared to the baseline, but both PPEs had similar results and no meaningful differences could be measured. Conclusions  According to our results, for surgical procedures additional PPE required during COVID-19 pandemic does not relevant affect the surgeon’s mental and physical performance. Surgeries under COVID-19 PPE conditions appear safe and do not increase patient risk.

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StatusVeröffentlicht - 04.2023

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