Die „Facilitative interpersonal skills“-Übung – Messen therapeutischer Kompetenz mit der deutschsprachigen Version

  • Antje Gumz
  • Merle Longley
  • Lena Schestag
  • Constance Hirschmeier
  • Leonie Derwahl
  • Judith Weinreich
  • Tobias Göttke
  • Friederike Höltermann
  • Tobias Koch
  • Katharina Freund
  • Margarita Geist
  • Carina Schlipfenbacher
  • Denise Kästner


Background: It is of great importance to measure interpersonal skills of psychotherapists for the research of therapeutic effects, training and further education. One of the few instruments available to measure these skills is the facilitative interpersonal skills (FIS) test. Objective: The aims of this study were 1) to present the FIS test, 2) to examine psychometric and descriptive properties and 3) to examine the associations between the total FIS score, age, gender and level of education of the performers. Material and methods: Psychology students and psychologists in psychotherapy training were included in this cross-sectional study. In the FIS test the participants should verbally react to 13 patient videos that staged challenging therapy situations. Each of the audio-recorded reactions were assessed by three trained raters. Results: The total FIS score of the 115 study participants (mean age = 31.97 years, SD ± 7.94; female n = 90, 78.3%; in psychotherapeutic training n = 72, 66.1%) averaged at 3.24 (SD ± 0.42). The reliability proved to be good (intraclass correlation coefficient, ICCFIS total value = 0.69; Cronbach’s α = 0.958). Among the video clips three were significantly less difficult and four clips were significantly more difficult. A learning effect and a fatigue effect became apparent throughout the clips. Trainee therapists achieved significantly higher scores than psychology students. Conclusion: The FIS test proved to be reliable in a large sample. It was identified that a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 9 clips should be used during the test, which should be selected according to the level of training and clip difficulty. The FIS test is of considerable benefit for standardized and empirically based measurement of interpersonal therapist skills in research, training and further education.

Bibliografische Daten

Titel in ÜbersetzungThe facilitative interpersonal skills exercise – Assessment of therapeutic competence with the German language version
StatusVeröffentlicht - 01.11.2020

Anmerkungen des Dekanats

Funding Information:
Wir bedanken uns bei allen Studierenden und Psychotherapeuten in Ausbildung, die an der FIS-?bung teilgenommen haben. Unser herzlicher Dank gilt auch allen Kollegen, Psychotherapeuten in Ausbildung und Schauspielerinnen, die an der Produktion der Video-Clips mitgewirkt haben, und dem Sprecher Dr. Rainer Erices. Wir bedanken uns ebenfalls bei unserer Kollegin Meike Hurrle, die uns erlaubt hat, die Aufnahmen mit ihr zur Veranschaulichung der FIS-?bung in Abb.?1 im vorliegenden Beitrag zu nutzen. Die Studie zum deutschsprachigen FIS-Test wurde gef?rdert durch Drittmittel der Heigl Stiftung (20.05.2019; Projektleitung: Antje Gumz). Die Stiftung war nicht involviert in die Studienkonzeption, die Datenerhebung, die Datenanalyse oder die Ergebnisinterpretation.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020, The Author(s).

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