Combining B-mode ultrasound with pulsed wave Doppler for the assessment of tubal patency.

  • A Kleinkauf-Houcken
  • Bernd Hüneke
  • C Lindner
  • W Braendle


This study was conducted to determine whether the additional use of pulsed wave Doppler improves the diagnostic capacity in assessing tubal patency by hysterosalpingo contrast sonography (HyCoSy). A total of 210 women with a history of infertility were included in this study. HyCoSy was performed after intrauterine injection of Echovist 200. For the assessment of tubal patency B-mode scanning and pulsed wave Doppler ultrasound were performed in the proximal and distal tubal segments. With the combined sonographic procedure 297 tubes (74%) were rated patent, 35 (8%) incompletely obstructed and 70 (18%) completely obstructed. A total of 252 tubes were additionally examined by laparoscopy for reference purposes. Concordant results for both methods were found in 92% of tubes, nine had been rated false negative and 10 tubes appeared to have been rated false positive. The combined sonographic specificity was found to be 85% with a sensitivity of 95%. Peritubal adhesions detected by laparoscopy were found to be the reason for false positive sonographic results in 60% of cases. In conclusion, the combined B-mode and pulsed wave Doppler examination appears to be a non-invasive and low-cost test for the assessment of tubal patency, which should be performed during diagnostic work-up for infertility.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 1997
pubmed 9436684