Characteristics of oligosymptomatic versus polysymptomatic presentations of somatoform disorders in patients with suspected allergies.

  • Constanze Hausteiner
  • Dorothea Huber
  • Susanne Bornschein
  • Martine Grosber
  • Esther Bubel
  • Sylvie Groben
  • Claas Lahmann
  • Bernd Löwe
  • Florian Eyer
  • Bernadette Eberlein
  • Johannes Ring
  • Heidrun Behrendt
  • Ulf Darsow
  • Peter Henningsen


Psychobehavioral characteristics of patients with somatoform disorders (SFDs), are increasingly discussed as possible positive criteria for this diagnostic group. However, little is known about psychobehavioral differences, or similarities, between the different SFD presentations, i.e., polysymptomatic [multisomatoform/somatization disorders (MSD)] versus mono- or oligosymptomatic courses [pain disorder (PD), undifferentiated somatoform disorder (USD)].

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 2010
pubmed 20708448