Burnout und Arbeitsstörungen bei Studenten. Eine abschlussspezifische Untersuchung von Klienten einer psychotherapeutischen Studentenberatung

  • Antje Gumz
  • Elmar Brähler
  • Rainer Erices


Due to the debate on the Bologna Process, psychic problems among students are now receiving increasing attention. In this context, differences between groups of academic level are of interest. The data of 251 students who consulted a counseling center were examined regarding the experience of burnout and work disruptions. Magister candidates experienced more doubts about their studies compared to Master's degree and state examination and less efficiency compared to state examination candidates. They showed significantly higher values regarding "writer's block" compared to Bachelor and state examination, as well as worries about the future compared to state examination candidates. The discussion on psychic strain among students should to be led in the overall context. It would be useful not to primarily focus on isolated groups of academic level. Analyses on the prevalence and typology of work disruptions among students are prerequisites for developing methods of psychological help.

Bibliografische Daten

Titel in ÜbersetzungBurnout experience and work disruptions among clients seeking counselling. An investigation of different groups of academic level
StatusVeröffentlicht - 01.2012
PubMed 22271174