Biology and Treatment of Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis

  • Gritta Janka-Schaub


Hemophagocytic lymphohistocytosis (HLH) is a hyperinflammatory syndrome
that occurs at all ages and is characterized by high levels of cytokines,
secreted by activated T-lymphocytes and macrophages. All symptoms and
laboratory changes can be explained by organ infiltration by these cells and
hypercytokinemia. HLH occurs as an inherited form (genetic, primary HLH)
with mutations primarily in the cytotoxic vesicle pathway, and an acquired form
that, in children, is triggered mostly by infections, but also by autoinflammatory/
autoimmune diseases, malignancies and metabolic diseases. The pathogenesis of
genetic forms of HLH can be explained by the inability of cytotoxic cells to induce
apoptosis in (infected) target cells and to terminate the immune response for
which perforin is essential. The pathogenesis of acquired forms is multifactorial,
and several factors may have to be present for the development of HLH: e.g.
acquired immune defects; stimulation of the innate immune system via tolllike
receptors or danger signals; interference of viruses and tumor cells with
cytotoxicity and apoptosis; secretion of cytokines by tumor cells; mutations or
single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes important for the immune response;
heterozygous mutations in HLH-genes; environmental factors. Treatment of
HLH is a balancing act between too little and too much therapy; cytokines have
to be downregulated without destroying all immune defenses. Once HLH is
controlled, therapy can be ended in acquired cases, whereas genetic cases need
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for cure. Therapy with corticosteroids
and etoposide, as in the international HLH studies, is still the standard of care.
New promising drugs are available; clinical trials have to confirm their efficacy.

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StatusVeröffentlicht - 31.12.2018