Bedarf an und Nutzen von medizinischen Rehabilitationsmassnahmen aus hausärztlicher Sicht

  • S Dunkelberg
  • Hendrik Bussche van den


With different methodological approaches (postal survey, case analyses and focus group discussions) we investigated the attitudes of general practitioners (GPs) regarding the need, demand and effectiveness of medical rehabilitative measures. General Practitioners have a rather positive attitude towards rehabilitation in general. Male GPs have a tendency to be more sceptical than female GPs. With regard to the different measures within the German system, GPs show a differentiated opinion. They see a high number of patients who have a good benefit, though their definition of benefit differs from the statutory criteria for needs and outcomes. Patients and GPs mostly agree in their estimation of the outcome. Recent political ideas on improvement of the rehabilitative system are discussed on the basis of the results.

Bibliografische Daten

Titel in ÜbersetzungNeed for and benefit of medical rehabilitation measures from a general practitioner's perspective
StatusVeröffentlicht - 02.2004
PubMed 14963803