Assoziation von Krankenversicherung und soziodemografischen Faktoren mit der Versorgung maligner Melanome


Objective: To analyze the relationship between socio-demographic and regional factors, health insurance status and clinical features of malignant melanoma (MM). Methods: Primary data from a nationwide dermato-histopathologic laboratory on all consecutive excisions with proven diagnosis of MM over the 5-year period 2009-2013 were analyzed regarding tumor-specific and socioeconomic characteristics. The tumor depth (Breslow index) being a predictor of invasive MM progression and mortality was defined as a major indicator for early detection and intervention, thus reflecting quality of health care. Results: N=4 840 histologically verified MM samples from 4 583 patients were analyzed; of these, 2 537 (52.4%) were invasive MM. The tumor depth, which was 1.09 mm on average, increased with age from 1.00 mm in the lowest to 1.56 mm in the highest age group, p<0.001). Controlled for age and sex, the members of agricultural health insurances (LKK) and of German local public health insurances (AOK) showed significantly increased tumor depths (1.67 resp. 1.20 mm). The lowest average levels were found in members of the substitute health funds (e. g. Barmer GEK 0.93 mm) and in privately insured persons (0.99 mm). Based on a regional 4-step classification, there was a gradient in MM depth from more populated to more rural areas, ranging from 1.05 mm in nucleated cities to 1.22 in small rural communities. Distribution of MM locations varied significantly by health insurance: The highest proportion of MM in the head/neck area was seen in members of the agricultural (52.3%) and of the local public health insurances (30.2%) vs. 18.5% in patients from the substitute health funds. In contrast, MM located on the trunk and lower extremities was more prevalent in private, substitute and company health insurance funds. Conclusion: Age, gender and health insurance status are relevant determinants of MM health care and progression risk in Germany. Prevention and early detection programs by health insurances should take this into account.

Bibliografische Daten

Titel in ÜbersetzungAssociation of Health Insurance and Socio-economic Factors with Health Care for Malignant Melanoma
StatusVeröffentlicht - 01.2017
PubMed 26619219