Assessment of three minimally invasive continuous cardiac output measurement methods in critically ill patients and a review of the literature.

  • Pieter-Jan Palmers
  • Wesley Vidts
  • Koen Ameloot
  • Colin Cordemans
  • Van Regenmortel Niels
  • De Laet Inneke
  • Karen Schoonheydt
  • Hilde Dits
  • Volker Eichhorn
  • Daniel Reuter
  • Manu L N G Malbrain


In this study we compared the accuracy of three continuous cardiac output (CCO) measurement methods, with intermittent transcardiopulmonary thermodilution (TPTD-CO) as the gold standard. The three studied CCO measurement methods were: uncalibrated peripheral pulse contour measurement (FCCO), calibrated central pulse contour measurement (PCCO), and CCO obtained by indirect Fick principle (NCCO).

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 2012
pubmed 23348485