Analysis of Patients' willingness to Be Mobile, Taking into Account Individual Characteristics and Two Exemplary Indications


BACKGROUND: With respect to health care planning, it is commonly assumed that patients consult the nearest physician. In reality, however, patients frequently accept great-er efforts/expenses than necessary to see a physician. The objective of the present study was to determine under which circumstances patients were willing to accept additional efforts/expenses, and which role sociodemographic and clinical characteristics play in this regard.

METHODS: Data collection was carried out in the context of a multicenter cross-sectional study among office-based and hospital-affiliated (University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf) dermatologists. Patients (n = 309) with psoriasis and chronic wounds were surveyed about their mobility patterns and disease severity. Data analysis was performed using descriptive and multivariate methods.

RESULTS: The willingness to accept additional efforts/expenses is primarily determined by a physician's expertise and service portfolio. Comparing both diagnoses showed that psoriasis patients usually traveled longer distances than wound patients. Among psoriasis patients, one significant predictor for accepting additional efforts/expenses was the level of education. With regard to wound patients, key factors included wound size (severity).

CONCLUSION: The present study revealed complex mobility patterns among patients, which are affected by numerous personal as well as clinical factors. Depending on the diagnosis and individual preferences, additional efforts/expenses can - among other things - be explained by disease severity. Further studies are required to obtain more conclusive data.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 04.2017
PubMed 28314064