Akzidentelle Methadoneinnahme durch Kinder - Gedanken zur Verbesserung der Prävention

Beteiligte Einrichtungen


Despite the medial attention attracted by the presented case in January 2012 and the determined measures taken to minimize the risk of accidental poisoning for children in the direct surroundings of substituted persons, we recently faced two more cases of methadone-intoxicated children in Hamburg. We believe that the most important step to increase awareness of the dangerous effects of methadone for children might be the storage of methadone in lockable boxes, which would make it safe from access by children and third parties. Moreover this way of storing reminds the patients of the risks resulting from their medication. Repeated and comprehensive instruction appears to be the best protection against cases like this to counteract careless handling of the substitution medication.

Bibliografische Daten

Titel in ÜbersetzungAccidental ingestion of methadone by children and suggestions for better prevention
StatusVeröffentlicht - 05.03.2016
PubMed 26934765