Active hair growth (anagen) is associated with angiogenesis.

  • L Mecklenburg
  • D J Tobin
  • S Müller-Röver
  • B Handjiski
  • G Wendt
  • E M Peters
  • S Pohl
  • Ingrid Moll
  • R Paus


After the completion of skin development, angiogenesis, i.e., the growth of new capillaries from pre-existing blood vessels, is held to occur in the skin only under pathologic conditions. It has long been noted, however, that hair follicle cycling is associated with prominent changes in skin perfusion, that the epithelial hair bulbs of anagen follicles display angiogenic properties, and that the follicular dermal papilla can produce angiogenic factors. Despite these suggestive observations, no formal proof is as yet available for the concept that angiogenesis is a physiologic event that occurs all over the mature mammalian integument whenever hair follicles switch from resting (telogen) to active growth (anagen). This study uses quantitative histomorphometry and double-immunohistologic detection techniques for the demarcation of proliferating endothelial cells, to show that synchronized hair follicle cycling in adolescent C57BL/6 mice is associated with substantial angiogenesis, and that inhibiting angiogenesis in vivo by the intraperitoneal application of a fumagillin derivative retards experimentally induced anagen development in these mice. Thus, angiogenesis is a physiologic event in normal postnatal murine skin, apparently is dictated by the hair follicle, and appears to be required for normal anagen development. Anagen-associated angiogenesis offers an attractive model for identifying the physiologic controls of cutaneous angiogenesis, and an interesting system for screening the effects of potential antiangiogenic drugs in vivo.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 2000
pubmed 10771470