Abrupte vorubergehende verschlechterungen der therapeutischen Interaktion und deren Bezug zum Erleben anderer Bezugspersonen--Eine Methode zur Operationalisierung von Ubertragungsaspekten im Therapieprozess

  • Antje Gumz (Geteilte/r Erstautor/in)
  • Denise Kästner (Geteilte/r Erstautor/in)
  • Michael Geyer
  • Elmar Brähler


OBJECTIVES: Abrupt transient deterioration in the experienced therapeutic interaction is regarded as a sign of the emergence of negative transference aspects. How can these sessions be characterized in terms of similarity to the experience of other important relationships and in relation to the process?

METHODS: The interaction-experience in six therapy courses was measured continuously (Intrex). Abrupt deterioration was statistically determined. The correlation between the experienced therapeutic interaction and nontherapeutic interaction patterns was determined.

RESULTS: The transference aspects measured were instable over time. There were significant correlations with the experience of previous and current significant others, and parental interaction. The strongest correlations existed nearly consistently to the interaction with the most important person during the best times.

CONCLUSION: The method allows measuring change and transference aspects in an economic way. After validation, it could be used for clinical diagnostics. Sessions thus selected could be analyzed more precisely with other procedures.

Bibliografische Daten

Titel in ÜbersetzungAbrupt transient deteriorations in the experienced interaction and their relationship to the experience of other important persons--operationalisation of transference aspects in therapeutic processes
StatusVeröffentlicht - 2010
Extern publiziertJa
PubMed 21243607