1. 2013
  2. CD38 controls the innate immune response against Listeria monocytogenes

    Lischke, T., Heesch, K., Schumacher, V., Schneider, M., Haag, F., Nolte, F. & Mittrücker, H-W., 01.11.2013, In: INFECT IMMUN. 81, 11, p. 4091-9 9 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  3. Cell biology and function of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis-related proteins

    Kollmann, K., Uusi-Rauva, K., Scifo, E., Tyynelä, J., Jalanko, A. & Braulke, T., 01.11.2013, In: BBA-MOL BASIS DIS. 1832, 11, p. 1866-81 16 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  4. Clinical phenotype and functional analysis of a rare XIAP/BIRC4 mutation

    Vieth, S., Ammann, S., Schwarz, K., Härtel, C., Schultz, C., Lehmberg, K. & Lauten, M., 01.11.2013, In: KLIN PADIATR. 225, 6, p. 343-6 4 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  5. Cognitive biases in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and depression--a pilot study

    Fritzsche, A., Watz, H., Magnussen, H., Tuinmann, G., Löwe, B. & von Leupoldt, A., 01.11.2013, In: BRIT J HEALTH PSYCH. 18, 4, p. 827-43 17 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  6. Cognitive performance in pediatric liver transplant recipients

    Kaller, T., Langguth, N., Petermann, F., Ganschow, R., Nashan, B. & Schulz, K-H., 01.11.2013, In: AM J TRANSPLANT. 13, 11, p. 2956-65 10 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  7. Combined targeting of AKT and mTOR using MK-2206 and RAD001 is synergistic in the treatment of cholangiocarcinoma

    Ewald, F., Grabinski, N., Grottke, A., Windhorst, S., Nörz, D., Carstensen, L., Staufer, K., Hofmann, B. T., Diehl, F., David, K., Schumacher, U., Nashan, B. & Jücker, M., 01.11.2013, In: INT J CANCER. 133, 9, p. 2065-76 12 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  8. Comparison of an automated respiratory systolic variation test with dynamic preload indicators to predict fluid responsiveness after major surgery

    Trepte, C. J. C., Eichhorn, V., Haas, S. A., Stahl, K., Schmid, F., Nitzschke, R., Goetz, A. E. & Reuter, D. A., 01.11.2013, In: BRIT J ANAESTH. 111, 5, p. 736-42 7 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  9. Concordance of HER2 status in primary tumour and lymph node metastases in patients with esophageal carcinoma

    König, A. M., Reeh, M., Dancau, A. M., Rathjens, M., Gros, S., Uzunoglu, F. G., Bockhorn, M., Simon, R., Sauter, G., Marx, A. & Izbicki, J. R., 01.11.2013, In: ANTICANCER RES. 33, 11, p. 4975-82 8 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  10. CT-basierten Klassifikationshilfe für Acetabulumfrakturen: Evaluation und klinische Erprobung

    Schäffler, A., Fensky, F., Knöschke, D., Haas, N. P., Becken, A. G., Stöckle, U. & König, B., 01.11.2013, In: UNFALLCHIRURG. 116, 11, p. 1006-14 9 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  11. Das Fach Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie im Wandel

    Schulte-Herbrüggen, O. & Gallinat, J., 01.11.2013, In: PSYCHIAT PRAX. 40, 8, p. 409-10 2 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  12. Depressive syndromes in neurological disorders

    Hellmann-Regen, J., Piber, D., Hinkelmann, K., Gold, S. M., Heesen, C., Spitzer, C., Endres, M. & Otte, C., 01.11.2013, In: EUR ARCH PSY CLIN N. 263 Suppl 2, p. S123-36

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  13. Diagnostik und Therapie des hepatozellulären Karzinoms

    Greten, T. F., Malek, N. P., Schmidt, S., Arends, J., Bartenstein, P., Bechstein, W., Bernatik, T., Bitzer, M., Chavan, A., Dollinger, M., Domagk, D., Drognitz, O., Düx, M., Farkas, S., Folprecht, G., Galle, P., Geißler, M., Gerken, G., Habermehl, D., Helmberger, T., Herfarth, K., Hoffmann, R. T., Holtmann, M., Huppert, P., Jakobs, T., Keller, M., Klempnauer, J., Kolligs, F., Körber, J., Lang, H., Lehner, F., Lordick, F., Lubienski, A., Manns, M. P., Mahnken, A., Möhler, M., Mönch, C., Neuhaus, P., Niederau, C., Ocker, M., Otto, G., Pereira, P., Pott, G., Riemer, J., Ringe, K., Ritterbusch, U., Rummeny, E., Schirmacher, P., Schlitt, H. J., Schlottmann, K., Schmitz, V., Schuler, A., Schulze-Bergkamen, H., von Schweinitz, D., Seehofer, D., Sitter, H., Straßburg, C. P., Stroszczynski, C., Strobel, D., Tannapfel, A., Trojan, J., van Thiel, I., Vogel, A., Wacker, F., Wedemeyer, H., Wege, H., Weinmann, A., Wittekind, C., Wörmann, B. & Zech, C. J., 01.11.2013, In: Z GASTROENTEROL. 51, 11, p. 1269-326 58 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  14. Die psychische Gesundheit von Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen--Teil 1: Häufigkeit, Störungspersistenz, Belastungsfaktoren, Service-Inanspruchnahme und Behandlungsverzögerung mit Konsequenzen

    Lambert, M., Bock, T., Naber, D., Löwe, B., Schulte-Markwort, M., Schäfer, I., Gumz, A., Degkwitz, P., Schulte, B., König, H. H., Konnopka, A., Bauer, M., Bechdolf, A., Correll, C., Juckel, G., Klosterkötter, J., Leopold, K., Pfennig, A. & Karow, A., 01.11.2013, In: FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 81, 11, p. 614-27 14 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  15. Die psychische Gesundheit von Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen--Teil 2: Krankheitslast, Defizite des deutschen Versorgungssystems, Effektivität und Effizienz von "Early Intervention Services"

    Karow, A., Bock, T., Naber, D., Löwe, B., Schulte-Markwort, M., Schäfer, I., Gumz, A., Degkwitz, P., Schulte, B., König, H. H., Konnopka, A., Bauer, M., Bechdolf, A., Correll, C., Juckel, G., Klosterkötter, J., Leopold, K., Pfennig, A. & Lambert, M., 01.11.2013, In: FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 81, 11, p. 628-38 11 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  16. Die wichtigsten Studienergebnisse der primären Radio-Chemo-Therapie von Kopf-Hals-Tumoren: Highlights des ASCO-Meetings 2013

    Münscher, A., Busch, C-J., Schafhausen, P., Tribius, S. & Knecht, R., 01.11.2013, In: HNO. 61, 11, p. 905-10 6 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalConference article in journalResearchpeer-review

  17. Differential modulation of activity related to the anticipation of monetary gains and losses across the menstrual cycle

    Bayer, J., Bandurski, P. & Sommer-Blöchl, T., 01.11.2013, In: EUR J NEUROSCI. 38, 10, p. 3519-26 8 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  18. Dopamine controls the neural dynamics of memory signals and retrieval accuracy

    Apitz, T. & Bunzeck, N., 01.11.2013, In: NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOL. 38, 12, p. 2409-17 9 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  19. Drug safety evaluation of olanzapine pamoate

    Schöttle, D., Kuhnigk, O. & Naber, D., 01.11.2013, In: EXPERT OPIN DRUG SAF. 12, 6, p. 897-903 7 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  20. Effect of gender and ITPA polymorphisms on ribavirin-induced anemia in chronic hepatitis C patients

    Scherzer, T-M., Stättermayer, A. F., Stauber, R., Maieron, A., Strasser, M., Laferl, H., Schwarzer, R., Datz, C., Rutter, K., Beinhardt, S., Steindl-Munda, P., Hofer, H. & Ferenci, P., 01.11.2013, In: J HEPATOL. 59, 5, p. 964-71 8 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  21. Effect of irradiation on the expression of DNA repair genes studied in human fibroblasts by real-time qPCR using three methods of reference gene validation

    Reuther, S., Reiter, M., Raabe, A. & Dikomey, E., 01.11.2013, In: RADIAT ENVIRON BIOPH. 52, 4, p. 463-9 7 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  22. Effect of medical education on students' attitudes toward psychiatry and individuals with mental disorders

    Hofmann, M., Harendza, S., Meyer, J., Drabik, A., Reimer, J. & Kuhnigk, O., 01.11.2013, In: ACAD PSYCHIATR. 37, 6, p. 380-4 5 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  23. Effect of prenatal steroid treatment on the developing immune system

    Diepenbruck, I., Much, C. C., Krumbholz, A., Kolster, M., Thieme, R., Thieme, D., Diepenbruck, S., Solano, M. E., Arck, P. C. & Tolosa, E., 01.11.2013, In: J MOL MED. 91, 11, p. 1293-302 10 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  24. Emotion regulation by cognitive reappraisal - the role of frontal theta oscillations

    Ertl, M., Hildebrandt, M., Ourina, K., Leicht, G. & Mulert, C., 01.11.2013, In: NEUROIMAGE. 81, p. 412-21 10 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  25. Essential facets of competence that enable trust in medical graduates: a ranking study among physician educators in two countries

    Wijnen-Meijer, M., van der Schaaf, M., Nillesen, K., Harendza, S. & Ten Cate, O., 01.11.2013, In: PERSPECT MED EDUC. 2, 5-6, p. 290-7 8 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  26. Estradiol responsiveness of synaptopodin in hippocampal neurons is mediated by estrogen receptor β

    Fester, L., Labitzke, J., Hinz, R., Behem, C., Horling, K., Bernhard, T., Bader, M. I., Vollmer, G. & Rune, G. M., 01.11.2013, In: J STEROID BIOCHEM. 138, p. 455-61 7 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  27. Extranodal extension is a powerful prognostic factor in bladder cancer patients with lymph node metastasis

    Fajkovic, H., Cha, E. K., Jeldres, C., Robinson, B. D., Rink, M., Xylinas, E., Chromecki, T. F., Breinl, E., Svatek, R. S., Donner, G., Tagawa, S. T., Tilki, D., Bastian, P. J., Karakiewicz, P. I., Volkmer, B. G., Novara, G., Joual, A., Faison, T., Sonpavde, G., Daneshmand, S., Lotan, Y., Scherr, D. S. & Shariat, S. F., 01.11.2013, In: EUR UROL. 64, 5, p. 837-45 9 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  28. Failed joint unloading implant system in the treatment of medial knee osteoarthritis

    Citak, M., Kendoff, D., O Loughlin, P. F., Klatte, T. O., Gebauer, M., Gehrke, T. & Haasper, C., 01.11.2013, In: ARCH ORTHOP TRAUM SU. 133, 11, p. 1575-8 4 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  29. Febrile seizures: recent developments and unanswered questions

    Pavlidou, E., Hagel, C. & Panteliadis, C., 01.11.2013, In: CHILD NERV SYST. 29, 11, p. 2011-7 7 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  30. German medical students' beliefs about the effectiveness of different methods of stopping smoking

    Raupach, T., Strobel, L., Beard, E., Krampe, H., Anders, S. & West, R., 01.11.2013, In: NICOTINE TOB RES. 15, 11, p. 1892-901 10 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  31. Growing experience with mTOR inhibitors in pediatric solid organ transplantation

    Ganschow, R., Pape, L., Sturm, E., Bauer, J., Melter, M., Gerner, P., Hoecker, B., Ahlenstiel, T., Kemper, M., Brinkert, F., Sachse, M. M. & Tönshoff, B., 01.11.2013, In: PEDIATR TRANSPLANT. 17, 7, p. 694-706 13 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  32. How well do standard stroke outcome measures reflect quality of life? A retrospective analysis of clinical trial data

    Ali, M., Fulton, R., Quinn, T., Brady, M. & VISTA Collaboration, 01.11.2013, In: STROKE. 44, 11, p. 3161-5 5 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  33. Hypoxia and oxygenation induce a metabolic switch between pentose phosphate pathway and glycolysis in glioma stem-like cells

    Kathagen, A., Schulte, A., Balcke, G., Phillips, H. S., Martens, T., Matschke, J., Günther, H. S., Soriano, R., Modrusan, Z., Sandmann, T., Kuhl, C., Tissier, A., Holz, M., Krawinkel, L. A., Glatzel, M., Westphal, M. & Lamszus, K., 01.11.2013, In: ACTA NEUROPATHOL. 126, 5, p. 763-80 18 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  34. Imitation and speech: commonalities within Broca's area

    Kühn, S., Brass, M. & Gallinat, J., 01.11.2013, In: BRAIN STRUCT FUNCT. 218, 6, p. 1419-27 9 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  35. Incidence and treatment patterns in males presenting with lower urinary tract symptoms to the emergency department in the United States

    Roghmann, F., Ghani, K. R., Kowalczyk, K. J., Bhojani, N., Sammon, J. D., Gandaglia, G., Trudeau, V., Becker, A., Sukumar, S., Menon, M., Zorn, K. C., Karakiewicz, P., Sun, M., Noldus, J. & Trinh, Q-D., 01.11.2013, In: J UROLOGY. 190, 5, p. 1798-804 7 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  36. Insufficient diagnostic accuracy of a single-item questionnaire to detect psychosocial distress in temporomandibular disorder patients

    Reissmann, D. R., John, M. T., Kriston, L. & Schierz, O., 01.11.2013, In: CLIN ORAL INVEST. 17, 8, p. 1937-45 9 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  37. Is the Whipple procedure harmful for long-term outcome in treatment of chronic pancreatitis? 15-years follow-up comparing the outcome after pylorus-preserving pancreatoduodenectomy and Frey procedure in chronic pancreatitis

    Bachmann, K., Tomkoetter, L., Kutup, A., Erbes, P. J., Vashist, Y., Mann, O., Bockhorn, M. & Izbicki, J. R., 01.11.2013, In: ANN SURG. 258, 5, p. 815-20; discussion 820-1

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  38. Late-onset Pompe disease is prevalent in unclassified limb-girdle muscular dystrophies

    Preisler, N., Lukacs, Z., Vinge, L., Madsen, K. L., Husu, E., Hansen, R. S., Duno, M., Andersen, H., Laub, M. & Vissing, J., 01.11.2013, In: MOL GENET METAB. 110, 3, p. 287-9 3 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  39. Living with Kallmann Syndrome - Analysis of Subjective Experience Reports from Women

    Hofmann, J., Watzlawik, M. & Richter-Appelt, H., 01.11.2013, In: GEBURTSH FRAUENHEILK. 73, 11, p. 1112-1120 9 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  40. Loss of CDKN1B/p27Kip1 expression is associated with ERG fusion-negative prostate cancer, but is unrelated to patient prognosis

    Sirma, H., Broemel, M., Stumm, L., Tsourlakis, M. C., Steurer, S., Tennstedt, P., Salomon, G., Michl, U., Haese, A., Simon, R., Sauter, G., Schlomm, T. & Minner, S., 01.11.2013, In: ONCOL LETT. 6, 5, p. 1245-1252 8 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  41. Loss of SPINK1 expression is associated with unfavorable outcomes in urothelial carcinoma of the bladder after radical cystectomy

    Rink, M., Park, K., Volkmer, B. G., Xylinas, E., Hansen, J., Cha, E. K., Robinson, B. D., Hautmann, R., Küfer, R., Engel, O., Chun, F. K., Dahlem, R., Rubin, M. A., Shariat, S. F. & Mosquera, J. M., 01.11.2013, In: UROL ONCOL-SEMIN ORI. 31, 8, p. 1716-24 9 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  42. Metaphyseal fracture healing in a sheep model of low turnover osteoporosis induced by hypothalamic-pituitary disconnection (HPD)

    Bindl, R., Oheim, R., Pogoda, P., Beil, F. T., Gruchenberg, K., Reitmaier, S., Wehner, T., Calcia, E., Radermacher, P., Claes, L., Amling, M. & Ignatius, A., 01.11.2013, In: J ORTHOP RES. 31, 11, p. 1851-7 7 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  43. Minimally invasive autopsy by using postmortem endoluminal and transluminal endoscopy and EUS

    Denzer, U. W., von Renteln, D., Lübke, A., Heinemann, A., Rösch, T., Püschel, K. & Karbe, T., 01.11.2013, In: GASTROINTEST ENDOSC. 78, 5, p. 774-80 7 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  44. MITF mutations associated with pigment deficiency syndromes and melanoma have different effects on protein function

    Grill, C., Bergsteinsdóttir, K., Ogmundsdóttir, M. H., Pogenberg, V., Schepsky, A., Wilmanns, M., Pingault, V. & Steingrímsson, E., 01.11.2013, In: HUM MOL GENET. 22, 21, p. 4357-67 11 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  45. Mit Stammzell-Modellen Herzkrankheiten besser verstehen

    Eschenhagen, T., 01.11.2013, In: DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR. 138, 46, p. 2381-2 2 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalOther (editorial matter etc.)Research

  46. Mucosal loss with increased expression of IL-6, IL-8, and COX-2 in a formula-feeding only neonatal rat model of necrotizing enterocolitis

    Bergholz, R., Zschiegner, M., Eschenburg, G., Wenke, K., Tiemann, B., Roth, B., Appl, B., Reinshagen, K., Sommerfeldt, D. & Ridderbusch, I., 01.11.2013, In: J PEDIATR SURG. 48, 11, p. 2301-7 7 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  47. Multimodalität und Interdisziplinarität in der Krebstherapie. Highlights des ASCO-Meetings 2013

    Knecht, R., 01.11.2013, In: HNO. 61, 11, p. 904

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalConference article in journalResearchpeer-review

  48. NCL diseases - clinical perspectives

    Schulz, A., Kohlschütter, A., Mink, J., Simonati, A. & Williams, R., 01.11.2013, In: BBA-MOL BASIS DIS. 1832, 11, p. 1801-6 6 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  49. Neutrophils amplify autoimmune central nervous system infiltrates by maturing local APCs

    Steinbach, K., Piedavent, M., Bauer, S., Neumann, J. T. & Friese, M. A., 01.11.2013, In: J IMMUNOL. 191, 9, p. 4531-9 9 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  50. Nfat and miR-25 cooperate to reactivate the transcription factor Hand2 in heart failure

    Dirkx, E., Gladka, M. M., Philippen, L. E., Armand, A-S., Kinet, V., Leptidis, S., El Azzouzi, H., Salic, K., Bourajjaj, M., da Silva, G. J. J., Olieslagers, S., van der Nagel, R., de Weger, R., Bitsch, N., Kisters, N., Seyen, S., Morikawa, Y., Chanoine, C., Heymans, S., Volders, P. G. A., Thum, T., Dimmeler, S., Cserjesi, P., Eschenhagen, T., da Costa Martins, P. A. & De Windt, L. J., 01.11.2013, In: NAT CELL BIOL. 15, 11, p. 1282-93 12 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  51. Non-prescribed use of substitution medication among German drug users--prevalence, motives and availability

    Schmidt, C. S., Schulte, B., Wickert, C., Thane, K., Kuhn, S., Verthein, U. & Reimer, J., 01.11.2013, In: INT J DRUG POLICY. 24, 6, p. e111-4

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review