[Postgraduate training for specialists in psychiatry and psychotherapy : Problem-based learning - evaluation of a pilot project.]

  • Michael Rufer
  • U Schnyder
  • C Schirlo
  • H Wengle
  • W Gerke


Problem-based learning (PBL) emphasizes the student's individual needs, their ability to solve complex clinical problems, and a professional attitude that facilitates communication among colleagues. Thus, PBL appears to provide a perfectly suitable didactic format for postgraduate training of medical specialties. To date, it is only rarely used in this area though. In a pilot project, we implemented PBL into the curriculum of postgraduate training in psychiatry and psychotherapy, and evaluated the program over a period of 12 months, using structured questionnaires. A total of 41 PBL courses were held, with 447 residents participating. Participants as well as tutors assessed 19 of 21 aspects as good or very good (5-point Likert scale, mean value >4). Overall, PBL was rated as highly suitable for advanced training (participants: 4.5+/-0.8; tutors: 5.0+/-0.2). The results of this pilot project suggest that PBL might be a useful element of multifaceted advanced training programs, strengthening their practical component and the applicability of knowledge in the daily clinical routine.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 2011
pubmed 20407738