Posterior versus anterior circulation strokes: comparison of clinical, radiological and outcome characteristics.

  • De Marchis
  • Gian Marco
  • Adrian Kohler
  • Nora Renz
  • Marcel Arnold
  • Marie-Luise Mono
  • Simon Jung
  • Urs Fischer
  • Caspar Brekenfeld
  • Caspar Brekenfeld
  • Jan Gralla
  • Gerhard Schroth
  • Heinrich P Mattle
  • Krassen Nedeltchev


Physicians treating patients with posterior circulation strokes (PCS) tended to debate more on whether or not to introduce anticoagulation rather than performing investigations to identify stroke aetiology, as in patients with anterior circulation strokes (ACS). Recent findings suggest that stroke aetiologies of PCS and ACS are more alike than dissimilar, suggesting that PCS deserve the same investigations as ACS. The characteristics and current diagnostic evaluation between patients with PCS and ACS were compared.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Article number1
Publication statusPublished - 2011
pubmed 20802030