Percutaneous and open retrograde endovascular stenting of symptomatic high-grade innominate artery stenosis: technique and follow-up.

  • P Mordasini
  • J Gralla
  • D-D Do
  • J Schmidli
  • B Keserü
  • M Arnold
  • U Fischer
  • G Schroth
  • Caspar Brekenfeld


Angioplasty and stenting of the IA have been reported with high technical and clinical success rates, low complication rates and good mid-term patency rates. Different antegrade or retrograde endovascular catheter-based approaches and combinations with surgical exposure of the CCA are used. The purpose of this study was to determine safety, efficacy and mid-term clinical and radiological outcome of the stent-assisted treatment of atherosclerotic stenotic disease of the IA with special focus on the different technical approaches.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Article number9
Publication statusPublished - 2011
pubmed 21852376