Macht der Bachelor wirklich krank? - Studienabschlussspezifische psychische Beschwerden bei Klienten einer psychotherapeutischen Studentenberatung

  • Antje Gumz
  • Rainer Erices


There is a lack of detailed surveys on the mental health of students. German university counseling centers have faced increasing demand, which is primarily due to the newly introduced Bachelor/Master system. The data of 251 students who consulted the Leipzig psychotherapeutic counseling center were examined with regard to complaints, symptoms and interpersonal problems. Significant differences were observed with respect to usage of the counseling center and interpersonal problems. Master's degree and state examination candidates sought counsel most often. Bachelor's degree students were least likely to seek help. Magister and Bachelor candidates showed a higher level of symptoms and interpersonal problems. Depression and work disruptions were the concerns mentioned most frequently. The findings should be examined further using additional samples. It should be clarified whether the likelihood of usage also differs with other forms of psychological help.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionPsychological complaints by academic level among students seeking counseling
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 11.2011
Externally publishedYes
PubMed 22081464