In-Session-Reflective-Functioning in Anorexia Nervosa: An Analysis of Psychotherapeutic Sessions of the ANTOP Study

  • Almut Zeeck
  • Svenja Taubner
  • Thorsten C Gablonski
  • Inga Lau
  • Stephan Zipfel
  • Wolfgang Herzog
  • Beate Wild
  • Hans-Christoph Friederich
  • Gaby Resmark
  • Katrin Giel
  • Martin Teufel
  • Markus Burgmer
  • Andreas Dinkel
  • Stephan Herpertz
  • Bernd Löwe
  • Sefik Tagay
  • Jörn von Wietersheim
  • Martina De Zwaan
  • Max Zettl
  • Alexander F Meier
  • Armin Hartmann


Objective: Previous research suggests that patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) show an impaired capacity to mentalize (reflective functioning, RF). RF is discussed as a possible predictor of outcome in psychotherapeutic processes. The study aimed to explore RF in sessions of patients with AN and its association with outcome and type of treatment.

Methods: A post-hoc data analysis of selected cases from a randomized trial on outpatient psychotherapy for AN was conducted. Transcripts from 84 sessions of 28 patients (early phase, middle phase, and end of treatment) were assessed using the In-Session-Reflective-Functioning-Scale [14 cognitive-behavior therapy, enhanced (CBT-E); 14 focal psychodynamic therapy (FPT); 16 with good, 12 with poor outcome after 1 year]. Relations between the level of RF, type of treatment, and outcome were investigated using mixed linear models. Additionally, associations with depressive symptoms, weight gain, and therapeutic alliance were explored.

Results: Mean in-session RF was low. It was higher in FPT when compared to CBT-E treatments. The findings point to an association between RF increase and a positive outcome. An increase in BMI in the first half of treatment was associated with higher subsequent in-session RF. There was no association between RF and depressive symptoms or the therapeutic alliance.

Discussion: Patients with AN show a low capacity to mentalize in sessions, which seems to be at least partly dependent on the degree of starvation. The results suggest a possible relationship between an increase in in-session RF and outcome, which has to be replicated by further studies.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Article number814441
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Comment Deanary

Copyright © 2022 Zeeck, Taubner, Gablonski, Lau, Zipfel, Herzog, Wild, Friederich, Resmark, Giel, Teufel, Burgmer, Dinkel, Herpertz, Löwe, Tagay, von Wietersheim, De Zwaan, Zettl, Meier and Hartmann.

PubMed 35677868