Evaluation verhaltenspräventiver Gesundheitsförderungsmaßnahmen in Inklusionsbetrieben


Social firms according to §§ 215–218 SGB IX offer employment to severely disabled people on the general labour market. Since 2018, social firms are obliged to offer workplace health promotion (WHP) measures.

This study aims to evaluate behavioural-related offers implemented as seminars for WHP for severely disabled employees and their supervisors in social firms.

Materials and methods
Using a multimethod study design, from June to November 2021, 12 seminars for employees (3 seminar concepts, e.g. on self-care in everyday work) were evaluated by means of focus groups (n = 44) and 3 seminars for supervisors on healthy leadership by means of a standardized questionnaire (n = 10). The collected quantitative data were analysed descriptively and the qualitative data were analysed inductively according to Mayring’s qualitative content analysis.

The results indicated that the implemented WHP measures for employees were rated positively by the majority in terms of satisfaction, seminar length, comprehensibility and usefulness. Similarly, supervisors evaluated the seminar content, didactics, instructor as well as the contribution of other participants mostly positively.

The study provided initial empirical findings on the evaluation of WHP measures in social firms. In particular, seminar content adapted to the setting of social firms had a positive influence on participants’ satisfaction with health promotion measures. Overall, further studies are needed to develop and evaluate structural and behavioural-related WHP offers in social firms.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionEvaluation of behavioural health promotion measures in social firms
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 08.2023