Association between perceived oral and general health


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine the magnitude of the association between perceived oral and general health-related quality of life (O/HRQoL) in the German general population and to compare it with the correlation of both constructs in dental patients.

METHODS: OHRQoL was assessed using the OHIP-49 and HRQoL using the SF-36 in a sample (N=811) representative of the adult general population of Germany (age: 18-99 years), and in a sample (N=313) of consecutive adult dental patients at least 18 years of age seeking prosthodontic care or attending their annual checkup. Correlation between OHRQoL and HRQoL was computed using structural equation modelling-based confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis. Based on the correlation coefficients, the coefficients of determination (r(2)) were calculated.

RESULTS: Correlation between OHRQoL and HRQoL after partialling out effects of age, gender and level of depression in general population subjects was rho=0.28 resulting in an explanation of the variance of HRQoL by OHRQoL of 7.8%. In dental patients the correlation coefficient was somewhat lower (rho=0.24) corresponding to an explanation of the variance of HRQoL by OHRQoL of 5.6%. Difference between correlation coefficients was not significant (p=0.514).

CONCLUSION: Our findings provide evidence for the inseparable, intertwined relationship between perceived oral and general health.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 01.07.2013
PubMed 23707644