Ambulante Jugendhilfe: Ein systematisches Literatur-Review zur Arbeits- und Gesundheitssituation

  • Julia Lengen
  • M. Kersten
  • S Gregersen


The diverse field of ambulatory social youth care and child protection is characterized by a number of psychological strains impacting the paedagogical professionals.

A systematic literature research was conducted in the time span 2000–2018 in the data bases Medline, PsyInfo und Psyndex using the PEO-Scheme to gain an overview of the working and health conditions of the target group. Relevant correlations were investigated. The involved articles were critically appraised with the checklists STROBE, PRISMA und CASP.

A variety of stressors and resources, mainly in the areas work content, work organisation and social relations are related to the social workers mental health. The strongest correlations have been found for the stressors work pressure/amount of work, role stress, clients behavior/characteristics and the person related factors neuroticism and conscientiousness. The resources control, role clarity, moderate workload, regard, involvement and the individual factors mindfulness and value congruence have an impact.

The ten reviewed studies provide a first impression of the relevant stressors and resources correlating with the mental health of the professionals in the researched occupational field.

Practical Relevance Concurrently, the number of social workers in institutions of child and youth welfare increased during the last years. About 21% of the sick leave days can be traced back to mental disorders. Thus, the social and health services are particularly concerned by mental and behavioral disorders.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionAmbulatory Youth care: A systematic literature review on the Working and Health Situation
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 03.2021