Akzeptanz und Nebenwirkungen einer Virtuellen-Realitäts-Intervention bei Menschen mit Psychose und gesunden Kontrollprobanden


Background: Virtual reality (VR) is increasingly implemented as an alternative to behavioral experiments in order to challenge dysfunctional beliefs and correct cognitive distortions. This article investigates the acceptance and cybersickness (e.g., nausea) of a new approach to cor rect overconfidence in false memories using a VR intervention for patients with psychosis compared to healthy controls. Methods: Thirty-nine patients with psychosis and 20 healthy controls navigated a VR on two appointments. The (subclinical) psychotic symptoms as well as cybersickness were measured before and after the navigation through the VR via the Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences and Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ) over a total of 4 time points. Results: The patient group showed generally higher SSQ scores and SSQ subscales compared to the control group, but not cybersickness because the SSQ score decreased over time. There were indications for a gender effect. Positive correlations were found between SSQ scores and psychotic symptoms. Discussion: Cybersickness as a side effect of VR interventions with a head-mounted display does not seem to be a specific problem in people with psychosis. However, patients showed pronounced somatic symptoms, which could be wrongly attributed to the VR intervention. To prevent dropout, habituation should be made possible. Gender effects (i.e., susceptibility of women) should be further investigated and included in the planning of interventions. We recommend extending the SSQ to include causal attribution items to distinguish cybersickness from somatic symptoms resulting from physical illness or medication. Finally, the extent to which somatic symptoms fuel existing psychotic symptoms should be further investigated.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionAcceptance and Side Effects of a Virtual Reality Intervention in People with Psychosis and Healthy Controls
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 03.2021

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Publisher Copyright:
© 2020 S. Karger AG, Basel.