Adenocarcinoma Versus Urothelial Carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder: Comparison Between Pathologic Stage at Radical Cystectomy and Cancer-specific Mortality.

  • Giovanni Lughezzani
  • Maxine Sun
  • Claudio Jeldres
  • Ahmed Alasker
  • Lars Budäus
  • Shahrokh F Shariat
  • Mathieu Latour
  • Hugues Widmer
  • Alain Duclos
  • Martine Jolivet-Tremblay
  • Francesco Montorsi
  • Paul Perrotte
  • Pierre I Karakiewicz

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OBJECTIVES: To compare stage at radical cystectomy (RC) and cancer-specific mortality (CSM) after RC between non-urachal adenocarcinoma (ADK) and urothelial carcinoma (UC) of the urinary bladder. METHODS: Within 17 Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results registries, we identified ADK and UC patients who underwent a RC between 1988 and 2006. We examined differences in stage and grade at RC between ADK and UC patients. Kaplan-Meier plots depicted CSM after RC. Cox regression analyses examined CSM rates, adjusted for T and N stages, tumor grade, age, gender, race, and year of surgery. Thereafter, we relied on statistically significant variables from the multivariate Cox regression model to match ADK and UC patients. Finally, we plotted Kaplan-Meier survival curves of the matched ADK and UC patients. RESULTS: Of 306 ADK and 11 697 UC patients, 188 (61.4%) and 5538 (47.3%), respectively, showed extravesical disease (pT(3-4); P

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 2009
pubmed 20022091