Discrimination of benign from malignant prostatic disease by selective measurements of single chain, intact free prostate specific antigen.

  • Thomas Steuber
  • Paulina Nurmikko
  • Alexander Haese
  • Kim Pettersson
  • Markus Graefen
  • Peter Hammerer
  • Hartwig Huland
  • Hans Lilja

Beteiligte Einrichtungen


PURPOSE: Free prostate specific antigen (PSA) in serum consists of heterogeneous molecular subforms. Recently we developed an immunoassay for selective measurement of a subfraction of free PSA called intact PSA, which has been shown to be closely associated with prostate cancer. We assessed the ability of serum intact PSA to discriminate between benign and malignant prostatic disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In serum of 178 men with benign disease and 255 men with prostate cancer we measured total PSA and free PSA using a commercially available immunoassay. Intact PSA levels were analyzed by a newly developed assay specific for noncleaved, that is single chain forms of free PSA. Internally cleaved "nicked" PSA was calculated by subtracting intact from free PSA. We also calculated ratios of intact PSA-to-free PSA (intact-to-free PSA) and nicked PSA-to-total PSA (nicked-to-total PSA). We compared means, medians and ranges of all analytes and ratios in patients with and without cancer for the entire total PSA range and in a subset with total PSA ranging from 2 to 10 ng./ml. Furthermore, various combinations of PSA forms were tested for their predictive ability. For statistical comparison we used the Mann-Whitney U test and ROC analysis. RESULTS: The ratio intact-to-free PSA was significantly higher in cancer (median 48.5%) compared to noncancer cases (median 41.8%, p

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 2002
pubmed 12394676