PD.Dr.phil. ID: 2366313

Regine Klinger

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Curriculum Vitae


 Regine Klinger

Academic title:

Priv.-Doz. Dr. phil., Dipl.-Psych.


Department of Anaesthesiology, Center for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf


Martinistr. 52, 20246 Hamburg, Germany

Phone / Fax:

+49 40 7410 - 52837



Present academic position:

Senior psychologist



1987 – 1992

Advanced education in clinical psychology, behaviour therapy       

1980 – 1986

Diploma in Psychology, University of Trier, Germany




Shift-Habilitation and Venia Legendi Medical Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany (Priv.-Doz.)


Habilitation and Venia Legendi Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Faculty of Psychology, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany (Priv.-Doz.)


PhD, conferral of doctorate, Department of Psychology, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany


Psychological specialist for pain psychotherapy (Spezielle Schmerzpsychotherapie)


Board Qualification Psychological Psychotherapist (1999: approbations for psychotherapy for adults, adolescents and children)


Professional positions

since 10/2015

Head Psychologist Section Pain Medicine and Pain Psychology, Department of Anaesthesiology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf

 2005 – 9/2015


Head of psychotherapeutic outpatient clinic, behaviour therapy, Department of Psychology, University of Hamburg

2000 - 2005

Development and organisation of the Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Clinic - Behaviour Therapy, Department of Psychology, University of Hamburg

1998 - 2005

Assistant professor, University of Hamburg

1993 – 1998

Head of the Department of Pain Therapy, Psychosomatic Medical Clinic Bad Bramstedt

 1986 - 1993


Scientific employee, Department of Anaesthesiology, pain outpatient clinic, University of Lübeck, Germany


Research interests

Psychological pain management: headache, back pain, postoperative pain, placebo and nocebo research, interaction of psychological (e.g. learning) and somatic processes in the development and maintenance of chronic pain, learning processes / maintenance of chronic pain, in particular processes of classical conditioning, pain classification (MASK-P, MAC-Pain)



Other academic and administrative functions

Since 2018

Member of working group: Core Curriculum Pain Psychology

2013 - 2017

Coordination „Research Agenda – Perspective Pain Germany” https://www.dgss.org/forschung-und-foerderung/forschungsagenda-schmerz-deutschland/  

2013 - 2016

President of the „Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologische Schmerztherapie und -forschung DGPSF“ (www.dgpsf.de)

Vice president of the „Deutsche Schmerzgesellschaft e.V.“, German Pain Society /Section IASP (www.dgss.de)

Delegate in the AWMF (German association of scientific societies for treatment guidelines)

Since 2014

spokesperson of the ad hoc committee of the German Pain Society promoting junior researchers, German Pain Society

Since 2015

Delegate in the National Treatment Guidelines Back Pain

 Since 2014

Editorial Board Member: ‘Der Schmerz‘

Since 2000

Delegate in the treatment guidelines acute and perioperative pain management


Selected awards and honours


Award for Pain Research of the German Association of Study of Pain for the paper "Classical conditioning and expectancy in placebo hypoalgesia: A randomized controlled study in patients with atopic dermatitis and persons with healthy skin"


Current funding as principal investigator / applicant


DFG KL 1350/3-2 (DFG FOR 1328/1)
Clinical implications and applications of placebo effects: potential for post-operative pain management


DFG KL 1350/5-1
Placeboeffects in atopical dermatitis –improvement of the pharmacological effects in itching through conditioning and expectancy


DFG KL 1350/3-1 (DFG FOR 1328/1):
Psychobiologische Mechanismen von Placebo- and Nocebo - Effekten in der Behandlung von Patienten mit chronischen Rückenschmerzen


SFB – TRR 289 (DFG, German Research Foundation) – Project-ID 422744262: Treatment expectation: the impact of expectation on health outcome.


Publication list (Selection most relevant thematic publications)

Schwartz, M., Fischer, LM., Bläute, C., Stork, J., Colloca, L., Zöllner, C. & Klinger, R. (2021). Observing treatment outcomes in other patients can elicit augmented additive placebo effects on pain treatment: a double-blinded randomized clinical trial in chronic low back pain patients. Pain 2021.

Stuhlreyer, J., & Klinger, R. (2021). Development and Validation of the Pain and State of Health Inventory (PHI): Application for the Perioperative Setting. Journal of clinical medicine10(9), 1965.

Schmitz J, Müller M, Stork J, Eichler I, Zöllner C, Flor H, & Klinger R. Positive Treatment Expectancies Reduce Clinical Pain and Perceived Limitations in Movement Ability Despite Increased Experimental Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial on Sham Opioid Infusion in Patients with Chronic Back Pain. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics 201988(4), 203-214.

Klinger R, Stuhlreyer J, Schwartz M, Schmitz J & Colloca L. Clinical use of placebo effects in patients with pain disorders. International review of neurobiology 2018;139:107.

Klinger R, Kothe R, Schmitz J, Kamping S, Flor H. Placebo effects of a sham opioid solution: a randomized controlled study in patients with chronic low back pain. Pain 2017;158(10):1893-1902

Klinger R, Blasini M, Schmitz J, Colloca L. Nocebo effects in clinical studies: hints for pain therapy. Pain Reports 2017 2(2), e586

Schmitz J, Kamping S, Wiegratz J, Müller M, Stork J, Colloca L, Flor H & Klinger R (2017). Impact of Patient Information Leaflets on Pain Medication Intake Behavior: A pilot study.  Pain reports, 0(0), e620

Müller M, Kamping S, Benrath J, Skowronek H, Schmitz J, Klinger R & Flor H. Treatment history and placebo responses to experimental and clinical pain in chronic pain patients. European Journal of Pain2016;20(9):1530-1541. # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Klinger R, Flor H. Clinical and Ethical Implications of Placebo Effects: Enhancing Patients’ Benefits from Pain Treatment. In: F. Benedetti et al. (eds.), Placebo, Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology 225, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-44519-8_13

Klinger R, Colloca L, Bingel U, Flor H. Placebo analgesia: Clinical applications. Pain 2014;155:1055–1058

Christiansen S, Oettingen G, Dahme B, Klinger R. A Short Goal-Pursuit-Intervention to Improve Physical Capacity: A Randomized Clinical Trial in Chronic Back Pain Patients. Pain 2010;149:444–452

Klinger R, Matter N, Kothe R, Dahme B, Hofmann U, and Krug F. Unconditioned and Conditioned Muscular Responses in Patients with Chronic Back Pain and Chronic Tension-Type Headaches and in Healthy Controls. Pain 2010;150:66–74.

Klinger R, Soost S, Flor H, and Worm M. Classical conditioning and expectancy in placebo hypoalgesia: a randomized controlled study in patients with atopic dermatitis and persons with healthy skin. Pain 2007; 128:31-39




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Publikationen: SCORING: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift/ZeitungSCORING: ZeitschriftenaufsatzForschungBegutachtung

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Publikationen: SCORING: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift/ZeitungAndere (Vorworte u.ä.)Forschung

Publikationen: SCORING: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift/ZeitungSCORING: ReviewForschung

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